About Me

I decided to write this blog basically for myself, to get my thoughts organized each day, and keep myself focused on what really matters... the family God has given me, and learning to love them better each 'new day' He gives me.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Can't wait! Can't wait!

Is it wrong that I'm terribly excited about getting my new Tassimo?

A couple of weeks ago, we bought a mini Keurig, something we said we would probably never do. We didn't think it was necessary, and we loved our Gevalia coffee pot; boy, do we love our Gevalia coffee pot, I think mostly because it was free! So, yeah, didn't really see the need for a Keurig, or any such single serve coffee machine. Until we used them at 2 of our friends' homes. SO cool! And considering that Richard and I only get to have coffee together a couple of mornings a week, it seemed like a great idea.

So, we got the mini Keurig... and boy, it's mini. It only brews a 10 oz. cup, one at a time. The other downside is that the first cup is really strong, and there's no way to adjust that. And it's small; did I mention that? Really small. So, the Keurig is going to my husband's office now, and I am getting a Tassimo! I found one on Ebay the other day, and it was $25 cheaper than what I was seeing it for at Walmart, plus no shipping fee, so I got it!

I cannot wait to get it! My poor mailman will be hounded incessantly until I get it, I'm sure. So excited that I decided to blog about it; how pathetic am I, really?

That is all.

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